
The Well-Centered Home | Calm Living

Do you sometimes feel over-stressed and yearn for calm living? Is your life too hectic? Do you feel you’re being pulled in too many directions and feel you’re losing control of your life? If so, you are not alone. That’s the downside of the modern world we live in. What if there were ways to modify your home, the place where you spend more than two-thirds of your life, into a "recharging station" for your psyche. Just as you plug in your cell phone each night to recharge it for the next day, you could come home to your Well-Centered Home and let it recharge your spirit and calm your mind so you can renew your happiness and be ready for the next day.

This book, The Well-Centered Home: Simple Steps to Increase Mindfulness, Self-Awareness, and Happiness Where You Live, will show you how to transform your home into exactly that.

In The Well-Centered Home, I show you methods for calm living, for removing negative influences I call “Pebbles,” and adding positive influences I call “Pearls.” Pebble and pearl adjustments can range from simple, no-cost and low-cost rearrangements of furnishings and colors to more significant remodeling. Best of all, these adjustments can be applied to homes of any size and cost, from studio apartments and dorm rooms to high-end, luxury homes. No matter the size of the home, the end result is a home that increases positive energy and provides a healing and rejuvenating environment for the those who live there.

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