Foundational Principles
Your home is the balance point between two equally important forces in the universe: the physical and the spiritual. We’re already quite accustomed to thinking of our homes in a physical way: a collection of bricks and shingles that protect our bodies. But a well-centered home also provides for our spiritual needs by providing a nourishing space to rest, recover, and rejuvenate.
To begin to work effectively with both the physical and spiritual nature of your home, you’ll need to understand four important concepts: anchoring, earth-grounding, solar orienting, and lunar orienting.

Anchoring your home means understanding, on a deep, personal level, where your home is located in the universe. In The Well-Centered Home, we discuss how your home is in an in-between space between the physical and the spiritual, but true anchoring your home requires knowing its position on earth and conceptualizing its place in the universe.

While anchoring is about understanding your position in the universe, earth-grounding requires you to connect your home with nature. This concept is closely related to anchoring in that both provide a sense of security and stability in your home that allow you to feel emotionally calm and collected when you are there.
Solar Orienting

Solar orienting involves understanding the sun angles around your home at different times of the day and different seasons of the year and then harnessing that knowledge to make the most of natural daylight in your space.
Lunar Orienting

Just as solar orienting helps you work with the natural cycles of the sun in your home, lunar orienting takes the moon’s position into account. Human beings have always been fascinated by the moon, connecting it to both love and lunacy in our lore. If you can introduce views of the moon and beams of moonlight into your home, you’ll be adding an important “pearl.”