Homebody Types

The Well-Centered Home designates four Homebody Types that are outlined below. The book offers a fun, personality quiz to help you determine what type you are. Knowing your Homebody Type is one of the first steps to achieving a Well-Centered Home.

The Scientist
“To understand the universe, you must first understand the language in which it’s written, the language of mathematics.”

Galileo Galilei was an Italian astronomer, physicist, and engineer during the Renaissance. He believed that science held the answers to questions about the universe, and he caused a sea change in belief when he proved that the earth orbited the sun, instead of the other way around.

The Galileo homebody type prefers logic and order in all things. This type is passionate about understanding how things work and craves efficiency at home.
The Entertainer
“If it doesn’t look easy, it’s that we haven’t tried hard enough yet.”

Fred Astaire was an iconic American dancer, singer, and actor in the golden age of Hollywood movie musicals. A highly respected professional, he was a perfectionist when it came to his craft and delighted in entertaining his audience.

Like its namesake, the Astaire homebody type favors elegance and refinement, and thrives on entertaining others in their home.
Nightingale The Nurturer


The Nurturer
“The object and color in the materials around us actually have a physical effect on us, on how we feel.”

Florence Nightingale left behind a life of Victorian privilege to devote herself to nursing. Sent to care for the wounded during the Crimean War, she sprang into action to heal the wounded and began a lifelong career. Much of her work was dedicated to improving conditions of the hospitals to transform them into sanitary, healing spaces.

The Nightingale homebody type is a nurturer who enjoys caring for the physical and emotional needs of friends and family. They put people first and thrive in spaces that, above all, provide comfort.
The Philosopher
“Man is the measure of all things.”

One of the most famous ancient Greek philosophers, Plato pondered the relationship between perception and reality. He did not accept things at face value, but rather sought to understand the meaning of life by digging beyond forms to understand abstract truths. He was also a beloved teacher who challenged his students to think for themselves.

The Plato homebody type is a deep thinker who seeks to understand the world. While a Galileo type works to understand how things work, the Plato type prefers to ask why. They enjoy conversation and want their home to be an anchoring point from which to explore their ideas.

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